5 Easy Side Hustles so you can start to make Money Right Now! People are always looking for ways to be able to earn a little extra money. Thankfully there are many options out there which allow people to boost their income. Here we look at 5 easy side hustles that you
Keeping Track of your Short Term Money Goals
Where Does My Money Go? – Keeping Track of your Goals Many of us find it hard to keep track of our spending, whether it be juggling bills to pay, childcare costs, rent arrears or a short term loan, especially in a world where we’re constantly using plastic to pay
Getting the Most out of Your Money
Bargain hunting tips: getting the most out of your money Whether you’re working within a tight budget or simply want to increase the percentage of your pay check that you put away each month, it’s easy to save a few dollars when it comes to shopping. Here are a few
Online fraud prevention 101
Keep your details secure online The evolution of digital technology makes it easy to purchase almost anything online. But if you're not protecting your details properly, you open doors to fraudsters. Most common online frauds that people fall for include debit card
Teaching Your Children About Finance
Teaching your children about finance Although schools are required to teach children financial literacy, this education usually only takes place later in their school career. By this stage, many children may have picked up habits from their parents, whether good or bad
5 Reasons Why Payday Loans a Good Idea
Getting a payday loan is easy. Anyone with a job, identification documents, and a checking account can borrow between $100 and $500 before their next payday. Millions of Americans will face unforeseen circumstances at some point in their lives, and they may call on
How to Manage your Finances more Effectively
Money is a difficult thing to manage. When we have it, everything is good and many of us fall into the temptation of spending it while it's there. The trouble is, things can go wrong; cars can break down and utilities around the house can stop working. If we spend all
Four Easy Lifestyle Changes
Four Easy Lifestyle Changes you can make to Save Money Making sacrifices in order to save money is easier said than done. If we try to make lifestyle changes that are not sustainable for us, we simply won't stick to them and we might find ourselves with little to no
How to Save Money Everyday
How to Save Money In Small Ways, Everyday Credit can quickly become a dirty word: growing debt, poor credit scores knocking you back and the endless easy temptation to have whatever we want as soon as we want it. However, there are ways to reduce your debt and what
Would you Donate your Salary if you could?
In this day and age it seems like the classes gap has become wider, where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and occasionally we read a story about someone who isn't "doing it for the money" and that's a good thing, right? President Donald