How to Safely Re-enter Society Post-Quarantine
Many states are starting to relax their stay-at-home laws. With this in mind, it’s a good time to discuss the do’s and do nots of reentering society. Things have changed and some of the freedoms we are used to having gone but, if we are careful and following the rules (and use our common sense) there’s no reason why we can’t start venturing back into society. If you are concerned about how to safely re-enter society post-quarantine, here are a few of our tips for heading outside:
- Common sense – when going out take antibacterial hand gel with & use it whenever you have come into contact with a surface. Try and wash your hands before and straight after coming home & wear a facemask as much as you can.
- Practice social distancing – this goes without saying but keep to the 2m gap between others and not only are you respecting others personal space but also protecting yourself and your loved ones.
- How do we decide if somewhere is ok or not to go into? Many places have social distancing in place, follow the stickers and markings on the floor advising of the 2m rule. It’s a good idea to have a checklist in mind though for example: Are the staff wearing facemasks (and gloves in a restaurant) is contactless payment available? Are there shields in place between patrons and staff?
- What do I do if I’m ill? (non-coronavirus). If you feel unwell it’s still important to consult your doctor. With many practices now offering telemedicine. Simply contact your doctor to discuss your options and DON’T ignore symptoms if there are troubling you.
Most importantly – don’t go out unless you absolutely have to. We’re still going to be pretty limited in terms of what we can do & where we can go. When you do go out take the necessary precautions and get your children into the habit of washing their hands too.
Hopefully, if we all stay safe and follow the guidelines life will get back to ‘normal’ sooner rather than later!