Oklahoma Payday Loans

Anyone can find themselves in a financial crisis, and they could be interested in taking out a payday loan. Knowing and understanding the rates and fees of your states loans is vital. We’re here to help you grasp the basics when it comes to Oklahoma payday loans.

Can I get a payday loan in Oklahoma?

Yes, you can. Payday loans are legal in Oklahoma under the Oklahoma Deferred Deposit Lending Act (Oklahoma Statutes Title 59 §§ 3101 et seq.), which governs the functioning of all payday lenders in the state.

  • Maximum loan amount: $500
  • Loan term: 12 to 45 days
  • Outstanding loans: 2
  • Rollovers: None
  • Collection fees: $25 NSF fee

All payday loans will cost money, but Oklahoma law sets the upper limit lenders can charge.

How do I apply for a Payday Loan?

Before you apply for a payday loan, you’ll need to be at least 18 years old, have a regular source of income and be a citizen or permanent resident of the US. If you are, then you’ll need to submit some personal information on your application.

  • Name, date of birth, social security number and a valid form of ID such as your driver’s license or passport
  • Your residential address, email address and phone number
  • Your employment and income
  • If you’re applying online, details of your existing checking account

What are some alternatives to Oklahoma Payday Loans?

Although payday loans might be a good short term solution to your financial troubles, there are other ways to deal with long term problems. Saving a certain amount from your monthly bills could help create an emergency fund. Or even asking your friends and family for a loan could be an easier solution. It may be an awkward conversation but it’s always best to ask, than not know.

Applying for a Payday Loan

If you’re looking into a payday loan, Oklahoma has decent regulations in place to protect you from having to pay excessive fines. Be sure to read your loan terms before you sign to be sure your lender is abiding by the law. You can get started and register to start your loan journey today!

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